Sharol Josephson
Sharol Josephson is a Director at FamilyLife Canada along with her husband Neil. They have been married 32 years. They speak and teach at FamilyLife marriage and family conferences across the country.
Bio last updated April 30th, 2018.
Articles by Sharol Josephson
Breath Breaking Forth
By Hannah Marazzi, with Neil Josephson, Sharol Josephson
January 25, 2018
Convivium’s Hannah Marazzi talks with organizers of the annual three-day Break Forth One Gospel festival that will draw thousands of worshippers to Edmonton, Alberta this weekend
Neil Josephson: We're fairly new to Break Forth One, and certainly to our leadership position, so we spent the last couple of years really kind of honing and refining the vision, that Arlen and Elsa Salte, the original founders, undertook Break Forth One exists to unify, serve, equip, and empower the Church in Canada to live out the mission of Jesus kind of every day in their community Neil: I think the shift we're seeing within the Christian church in Canada is that churches are thriving that are really finding the right language to talk about the Gospel, which doesn't change, but sharing it in ways that can be heard C: In January 2017, the Gospel Music Awards of Canada (GMA) also became a part of the Break Forth experience C: In an age that is often described as post-Christian or secular in nature, it is significant to learn that as many as 6000 Christians gather together in the dead of an Alberta winter for a weekend of worship, connection, and equipping to live out their faith boldly in the Canadian sphere